
原创 2013-11-18


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A mobile phone casing / 手机后盖


l to get the part position relative to robot coordinate system, then feedback the part position to abb robot/冲切前检测并得到工件在机器人坐标系里的位置偏差,并将测量结果反馈给abb机器人

l to inspect part dimension after press including length, width and hole diameter/冲切后检测工件尺寸,包括长度,宽度和孔径

l to get the part position relative to robot coordinate system, then feedback the part position to ABB robot/加工前检测并得到工件在机器人坐标系里的位置偏差,并将测量结果反馈给ABB机器人

l to inspect hole diameter/加工后检测孔径

l to get the part position relative to robot coordinate system, then feedback the part position to ABB robot/加工前检测并得到工件在机器人坐标系里的位置偏差,并将测量结果反馈给ABB机器人

l to inspect part dimension including injection feed boss, hole position and diameter/加工后检测工件尺寸,包括料口柱,孔的位置和直径

l to get the part position relative to robot coordinate system, then feedback the part position to ABB robot/加工前检测并得到工件在机器人坐标系里的位置偏差,并将测量结果反馈给ABB机器人

l to inspect part dimension including hole position and diameter/加工后检测工件尺寸,包括孔的位置和直径

l to get the part position relative to robot coordinate system, then feedback the part position to ABB robot/加工前检测并得到工件在机器人坐标系里的位置偏差,并将测量结果反馈给ABB机器人

l to inspect part dimension including opening width and depth/加工后检测工件尺寸,包括开槽的宽度和深度



Base on the system target we make a rough solution as below/

Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Load the part/放置工件到检测位置:


System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One ring lighting install on the lens/1个环形光源,安装在透镜底部

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One air cylinder for pushing the part to inspection position/1个带导柱气缸,用于将工件推到检测位置

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera and air cylinder/用于安装相机和气缸等的机械零件

Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Positioning inspection/冲切前工件位置检测:

Dimension inspection after press/冲切后尺寸检测:

System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One rectangle lighting install on the robot hand/一个矩形光源,安装在机器人的末端

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera /用于安装相机等的机械零件

Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Positioning inspection/加工前工件位置检测:

Dimension inspection after CNC/加工后尺寸检测:

System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One rectangle lighting install on the robot hand/一个矩形光源,安装在机器人的末端

l One ring lighting install on the lens/一个环形光源,安装在透镜底部

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera /用于安装相机等的机械零件

Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Positioning inspection/加工前工件位置检测:

Dimension inspection after CNC/加工后尺寸检测:

System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One rectangle lighting install on the robot hand/一个矩形光源,安装在机器人的末端

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera /用于安装相机等的机械零件

Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Positioning inspection/加工前工件位置检测:

Dimension inspection after CNC/加工后尺寸检测:

System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One rectangle lighting install on the robot hand/一个矩形光源,安装在机器人的末端

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera /用于安装相机等的机械零件


Inspection enquiry/检测要求:

Solution concept/检测方案示意图:

Positioning inspection/加工前工件位置检测:

Dimension inspection after CNC/加工后尺寸检测:

System key component/系统主要零部件:

l One 10M pixels cameral/1个1000万像素工业相机

l One Lens/1个透镜

l One rectangle lighting install on the robot hand/一个矩形光源,安装在机器人的末端

l One ring lighting install on the lens/一个环形光源,安装在透镜底部

l Adapter rings/转接环

l One USB cable for connecting camera and PC/1根USB线缆用于连接相机和计算机

l One set of computer (PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse)/1套计算机,包括主机,显示器,键盘和鼠标

l I/O card for I/O communication between robot and computer/I/O卡用于机器人和计算机之间的I/O通讯

l Mechanical parts for fixing camera /用于安装相机等的机械零件


In order to do measurement, the system has to be calibrated.


The system calibration is needed one time for system setup, during using normally no need to do calibration anymore, only when the robot position is changed, or camera position is changed, or something else will affect the relationship between robot and camera. /



Errors can cause system errors include/

The robot will be used for this project is IRB 140, and the position repeatability of this robot is 0.03mm according to the official data sheet. Since the part weight is very small and it is constant, we consider the robot position repeatability as 0.01~0.015mm for system error consideration. /

The system calibration procedure please refer to chapter 4/

After the calibration, the camera measuring error will be

about 10um/

So the total system measuring error for positioning inspection is




since all the dimensions measurement will be done on one picture, the robot positioning error and repeatability error have no big effect on the dimension inspection, so only camera measuring error will be the main errors for system /

The system calibration procedure please refer to chapter 4/

After the calibration, the camera measuring error will be

about 10um/

So the total system measuring error for dimension inspection is




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