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皮肤适应症创新药物研发企业嘉兴特科罗生物科技有限公司(以下简称 “特科罗” www.tkskin.com)就在近日宣布,临床机构已开始在美国为其外用药 TDM-105795招募雄激素性脱发 (AGA) 患者进行Phase Ib 临床试验。有望为脱发患者带来新的治疗手段、让患者受益。


“雄激素性脱发对有效和安全的治疗手段有真正的需求。”据特科罗的首席医疗官 Arthur P. Bertolino博士介绍,TDM-105795在首个临床试验中展示出良好的安全性和耐受性,临床前数据也显示其在动物模型上能高效地诱导毛发生长,“公司对一期临床的结果备受鼓舞”。



据了解,TDM-105795是一款具有全球知识产权保护、国际领先、治疗雄激素性脱发的小分子药物。已进行的动物试验数据显示,TDM-105795起效快,在用药后3-5日毛发增长效果显著,15-18日即可完成整个毛发生长周期,外用能够以剂量依赖的方式强效刺激毛发生长。另外,临床前研究也表明TDM-105795 外用后系统暴露很低,血浆清除半衰期短,能够很好地避免并不需要的全身作用。


最新消息则显示,特科罗已宣布临床机构开始在美国为TDM-105795招募雄激素性脱发 (AGA) 患者进行Phase Ib临床试验,这一推进是基于此前成功完成了单剂量递增Phase Ia临床试验 (NCT04913519) 。据介绍,根据试验的不良事件、局部皮肤反应,以及用药后生命指征、安全指标化验检测和心电图的基线变化等方面的报告,TDM-105795在Ia临床研究没有发现任何需要警惕的安全问题。

据悉,Phase Ib临床试验标题为 “随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、平行设组、多剂量递增研究以评估 TDM-105795 在健康男性AGA患者中的安全性、耐受性和药代动力学”,是一项为期 28 天的多剂量递增研究,旨在评估重复外用 TDM-105795的安全性、耐受性及药代动力学参数,从而确定用于验证疗效的Phase II 临床试验的最适制剂浓度。



“我们对治疗雄激素性脱发 (AGA) 的 TDM-105795项目在临床上取得的进展感到兴奋,同时期待其它针对不同皮肤疾病的管线化合物以类似的方式进入临床,我们希望能为解决该疾病领域的市场需求做出重大贡献。”特科罗首席执行官王增全博士如是称。




其中,湿疹项目初步药效结果显示候选药具有药效明显优势,药效强于已经上市的PDE4抑制剂,且与糖皮激素类药对比有同等药效而没有激素对皮肤的不良副作用反应。湿疹项目预期在2022年第二季度申报临床I期。 公司在银屑病和红斑狼疮的药物候选新品也将逐渐进入临床试验申报阶段。

Technoderma Medicines Announces Progression of TDM-105795 Phase 1 Clinical Trials for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

SHANGHAI – January 5, 2022  Technoderma Medicines, Inc. (“the Company”), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, is pleased to report the Company has begun recruitment for its second Phase 1 clinical trial of topical TDM-105795 in patients with Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA). This follows successful completion of a single dose escalation study (NCT04913519) in which no material clinical safety issues were demonstrated based on reporting of adverse events, local skin reactions and changes from baseline in vital signs, safety labs, and ECG.

This second clinical trial is a 28-day multiple dose escalation study entitled, “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Vehicle-Controlled, Parallel Group, Multi-Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of TDM-105795 in Healthy Male Subjects with Androgenetic Alopecia”. Its objectives are to evaluate topical TDM-105795 repeated dose safety and toleration and its pharmacokinetics, in order to define formulation strength(s) appropriate for a proof-of-concept Phase 2 study planned to follow.

“There is a real current need for effective and safe medical options to treat Androgenetic Alopecia,” said Arthur P. Bertolino, MD, PhD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer at Technoderma Medicines. “The Company is encouraged by TDM-105795 safety and toleration demonstrated in its first clinical trial and by preclinical data showing robust induction of hair growth in an animal model.”

Dr. Zengquan Wang, Chief Executive Officer at Technoderma Medicines commented, “We are excited about the progress being made with the TDM-105795 AGA program advancing in the clinic. In addition, we look forward to additional pipeline compounds likewise following into the clinic for treatment of various dermatologic diseases. We hope to contribute significantly to addressing the market need in this therapy area.”

About TDM-105795

TDM105795 is a small molecule drug candidate being developed as a topical drug to promote hair growth. Preclinical assessment of TDM105795 indicates that TDM105795 has poor systemic absorption following topical application and a short elimination half-life, features well-suited to avoid unwanted systemic effects. Moreover, in vivo efficacy studies in C3H mice showed that TDM105795 was able to potently stimulate hair growth in a dose-dependent manner when applied topically. This is likely because TDM105795 is able to activate dormant hair follicle stem cells and induce anagen (growth phase) in telogen (resting phase) hair follicles when binding to hair follicle cell target receptor proteins.

About Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA)

Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA), also called male or female pattern baldness, is the most common hair loss condition affecting both men and women, with a higher incidence in men. While more than half of adult males suffer from AGA, this rate increases to 80% in men at age 50 and above. Male AGA is characterized by receding hairline and baldness on the top and front of the head. Female AGA is usually manifested as hair density thinning on the top and crown of the head. As a degenerative disorder with etiology largely unknown, genetic, psychological and mental, endocrinologic and metabolic factors may play a role. The pathogenesis underlying AGA has been linked to hyperactivation of androgen receptors in hair follicle cells, rendering resting hair follicles unable to re-enter the growth phase and undergoing miniaturization.

About Technoderma Medicines

Technoderma Medicines, Inc. is a privately held clinical stage biopharmaceutical company located in Jiaxing Xiuzhou Biomedicine Guoqian Park, Shanghai. Its current core programs focus on development of innovative therapies for Androgenetic Alopecia, Atopic Dermatitis, Lupus Erythematosus and Psoriasis. Its "first-in-class" small molecule drug candidate TDM-105795 for Androgenetic Alopecia is currently undergoing clinical testing. Technoderma’s JAK1/TYK2 inhibitor for Atopic Dermatitis is completing late-stage preclinical testing and it has a target IND filing date in mid-year 2022. The pipeline targets dermatologic indications.



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